Sponsorship Opportunities
We invite you to align your business with this charitable, vibrant, and continuously growing event. Sponsor benefits include VIP admissions, product placement, exhibit space, and more! Check out our packages below:
Premier company name/logo placement on festival banner that flies above Monroe Avenue:
From MONDAY, AUG. 13, 2018 through SUNDAY, AUG. 19, 2018Premier company name/logo placement on festival main stage and VIP badges
Premier company name/logo placement on Bardog Tavern and Monroe Avenue Festival websites through NOV 2018
Primary company name/logo placement on race t-shirt for over 1,500 participants
Primary company name/logo placement on all festival signage leading up to the event, including 1 full-page and 2 half-page Memphis Flyer advertisements
Reach over 100,000 targeted Memphians with primary company name/logo placement and mentions via 350 radio spots on 101.9 Kiss FM and Rock 103, email blasts and social media, from partners including Breakaway Running, Start2Finish Event Management, Choose901, I Love Memphis Blog, Paul Ryburn's Journal and more
Custom banner (provided) to display the day of event (not to exceed 3’ x 8’)
Sponsor recognition from festival main stage
8 VIP badges & 10 race entries
Secondary company name/logo placement on race t-shirt for over 1,500 participants
Secondary company name/logo placement in 1 full-page and 2 half-page Memphis Flyer advertisements
Reach over 100,000 targeted Memphians with primary company name/logo placement and mentions via 350 radio spots on 101.9 Kiss FM and Rock 103, email blasts and social media, from partners including Breakaway Running, Start2Finish Event Management, Choose901, I Love Memphis Blog, Paul Ryburn's Journal and more
Custom banner (provided) to display the day of event (not to exceed 3’ x 8’)
Sponsor recognition from festival main stage
4 VIP badges & 8 race entries
Tertiary company name/logo placement on race t-shirt for over 1,500 participants
Tertiary company name/logo placement in 1 full-page and 2 half-page Memphis Flyer advertisements
Custom banner (provided) to display the day of event (not to exceed 3’ x 4’)
Sponsor recognition from festival main stage
2 VIP badges & 4 race entries